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Do I need Bariatric Revision Surgery?

Revision Bariatric Surgery


Bariatric revision surgery is sometimes necessary to correct or improve prior weight loss surgery. In some cases, a weight loss surgery may have been unsuccessful, or the weight loss surgery was successful, but over time the stomach has stretched out again. A bariatric revision surgery can offer a second chance in either case.

After undergoing bariatric surgery, many patients find that they eventually need to have revision surgery. This may be due to weight regain, or other health complications. If you are considering bariatric revision surgery, it is important to understand both the risks and benefits involved. Speak with your doctor about your options and decide if this type of surgery is right for you.


Reasons for a Bariatric Revision Surgery


Weight Regain After Initial Surgery

One of the most common reasons for a revision bariatric surgery is that the diet and exercise plan was not followed through after the initial surgery. Continual overeating can stretch out the stomach over time and will eventually lead to needing more and more food to feel full.



How is Revision Bariatric Surgery Performed?

This surgery involves a minimally invasive, laparoscopic procedure to shrink the size of your stomach. Laparoscopic revision surgery generally has fewer short-term risks and faster recovery than traditional open surgery. The revisional surgery can be as effective as a first-time bariatric surgery.


After the Revision

Before having the revision surgery, it is important to talk with your doctor to understand the reason for the weight gain. If the reason for the weight gain is nutritional or behavioral, it will be imperative to recognize the habits that may have hindered your success so that you will have a better outcome after the revision surgery. It may be beneficial to join support groups or to ask for more support from your family and friends to help you stay on track.


If you’ve been struggling with your weight and have had bariatric surgery in the past, revision surgery may be an option for you. It is important to talk with your doctor to understand the reason for the weight gain and what can be done to correct it. Visit our website for more information. Call us today at 281-653-6544 if you would like book a free consultation or have any questions about bariatric revision surgery.

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