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Weight loss surgery can drastrictly change a person’s life and get them on the road to healthier living with a slimmer physique. However, weight loss surgery is not for everyone. Our bariatric team will evaluate you in an initial consultation to determine whether you meet the candidacy requirements for weight loss surgery, and advise you on the best procedures for your specific needs. If you are not a candidate for bariatric surgery, our weight loss surgeon will discuss alternative options and dietary plans that can help you achieve your goals.

Weight Loss Surgery Candidates

During your initial consultation, our bariatric surgeons will go over your qualifications as a candidate for weight loss surgery procedures such as LAP-BAND Adjustable Gastric Banding. Candidacy requirements include:

  • Body Mass Index (BMI) of at least 35
  • Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30-35 for patients who suffer from medical conditions likely caused by morbid obesity (comorbidities) such as type-2 diabetes, sleep apnea, heart disease, osteoarthritis, fatty liver disease, hypertension, acid reflux disease, cancer, and others
  • Must be between the ages of 18 and 65
  • Must have exhausted other attempts at losing weight, such as diet and exercise
  • Must not be dependent on drugs or alcohol
  • Must be psychologically and physically able to have the surgery and commit to the changes in lifestyle habits required to achieve effective results

Body Mass Index

Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is a unit of metrics designed to measure whether you are at a healthy weight in ratio to your height. Although your BMI is not always 100 percent accurate in measuring your body mass, it is a useful indicator in determining whether your weight is increasing your risk of developing serious health conditions related to obesity.

Fill in the fields in our BMI Calculator to determine your BMI, and consult the chart that follows to see if your weight falls outside the normal range for your height. If the BMI Calculator indicates a Body Mass Index of 35 or higher (30 or higher for those who are already suffering from conditions possibly caused by obesity) you may be eligible for weight loss surgery.

  • BMI 18-24: Normal Weight
  • BMI 25-29: Overweight
  • BMI 30-34: Moderate Obesity
  • BMI 35-39: Severe Obesity
  • BMI 40 or above: Morbid Obesity

Please note that factors such as your age and muscle mass also have an effect on whether your BMI results qualify you for weight loss surgery. The best way to determine your candidacy is by meeting with Dr. Wadiwala and undergoing a full evaluation. Your initial visit is complimentary



Houston Weight Loss
13323 Dotson Road, Suite 210
Houston, TX 77070
Phone: 281-653-6544

Office Hours

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