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Deficiencies After a Bariatric Procedure!

Bariatric surgery is considered the last resort for patients who have tried every diet, exercise and remedy and couldn’t get rid of obesity. While bariatric surgeries have proven to be extremely helpful for numerous patients, there are also many who have reported abnormalities and deficiencies after the procedure. One of the most common problems among such patients is minerals and vitamins deficiencies.

The Critical Vitamin B 12

Vitamin B 12 is responsible for building RBCs. Moreover, it plays a vital role in operations of the central nervous system. This crucial vitamin is absorbed through a special terminal ileum, an organ that is removed in some instances during a bariatric surgery. A person may also be vitamin B 12 deficient even before the surgery.

In any case, it is important to check out for this deficiency and you must not forget to take Vitamin B 12 after consultation with your doctor.

The Potent Iron

Iron is the most important mineral for the body yet it is a deficiency very common on a global scale. Many bariatric procedures include removal of a digestive tract or reduction of stomach size, making it difficult for the body to absorb potent nutrients including iron. It is therefore advised to patients to keep their iron levels under check. At Houston Weight Loss, our experts can suggest the right kind of nutrients for you depending on your condition, type of surgery and deficiencies.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Millions of Us citizens are Vitamin D deficient, regardless of whether they underwent a bariatric surgery or not. Vitamin D is crucial for strong bones, utilization of calcium and many other functions of the body. A Vitamin D deficient patient can experience chronic fatigue, fever, joint pain, and even depression. However, most people with these symptoms barely consider checking for their vitamin D levels. But if you have had bariatric surgery, it is essential for you to go to your doctor and ask him to evaluate your Vitamin D levels.

Although, it is not unlikely for patients to develop a deficiency after bariatric surgeries, it doesn’t always happen. In both cases, we, at Houston Weight Loss suggest you to come visit us for an evaluation and you can also talk to our dietitians for meal planning. For more information, book your free consultation today!



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